Bankruptcy Timeline
Bankruptcy Timeline
1. Once you've had it with creditor harassment, and want to wipe away your piling debt, call Andrew Magdy at (314) 802-8328 to schedule your free initial consult at one of our convenient St. Louis area locations. We will spend the time to answer any and all of your questions, helping you understand and feel better about filing for bankruptcy.
2. There are two different types of bankruptcy, Chapter 7 and Chapter 13. In our initial consultation we will walk through your unique situation, helping you pick the best option. Once the attorney fee (or partial attorney fee for a Chapter 13), due diligence, and court filing fees have been paid, we can get to work on your case. We do offer payment plans to suit your needs as this part of the process in entirely dependent on how quickly you can, and want, to get filed.
3. Once all fees have been paid, we pull your credit report and order your financial management certificates, which there are two of. Each certificate is taken online or over the phone for your convenience and education, and last about 60 minutes. Take the first one, the " Credit Counseling Certificate" now, and schedule your signing appointment. Do not take the "Debtor's Education" until after your case is filed.
4. At your signing appointment, we will need the following documents:
6 months paycheck stubs, last 2 years of your federal and state tax returns, anything else the attorney has asked for.
This meeting lasts 45-60 minutes. Once your case is filed, you will receive your bankruptcy case number, and the full protection of the federal bankruptcy code. Your court date (314 hearing) will be mailed to you, so please keep an eye out for it.
5. You will then need to attend court (your 341 hearing) in person - both people must attend if filing jointly. Bring your bank statement covering the date of filing, a photo ID, and your original social security card. The hearing is held in a Trustee Room with the Bankruptcy Trustee (they are just another attorney, and you are not in front of any judges, so don't worry!) Please be punctual.
6. This is the time to complete your "Debtor's Education" course. We recommend doing it around the time of your hearing as it must be completed 45 ays after the filing date (Chapter 7). If you are in a Chapter 13 you do have until the end of your case, but we strongly advise doing it now so it does not slip through the cracks. Your case will NOT be discharged and you will continue to be liable for your debts if this is not completed and filed. It is very important.
7. In a Chapter 7 case: Once you have completed these steps, you need only wait for your discharge letter in the mail. The case will close shortly thereafter.
In a Chapter 13 case: You must make your first plan payment, due one month after your case is filed, You must make these payments monthly, on or before the due date, until the plan base is repaid. You will then received and discharge and the case will close.