If the coronavirus is going to negatively affect your finances, you may be able to use the stimulus check to file for bankruptcy and so wipe your slate clean.
Read MoreFile from the comfort of your own home!
Read MoreRecent changes to the law may make it better for you to file Chapter 7 Bankruptcy BEFORE you receive your tax refund. Any amount of your refund that is attributable to the Earned Income or the Additional Child Care Tax Credit are completely exempt in a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy BEFORE you receive it. However, once you receive the refund, the money is able to be taken by the Trustee.
Read MoreGenerally, YES, I can get your car back.
Read MoreDo you or your family and friends need to start 2019 off right? Though it may be daunting, bankruptcy could be the best way to start your New Year. Get in touch for a free chat about your options.
Read MoreIf you’ve never filed a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy, or more than eight years has passed since your previous Chapter 7 Bankruptcy, you must still pass the Means Test. In 2005, Congress dramatically changed bankruptcy laws. One of the largest changes to the bankruptcy laws was the creations of the Means Test. The Means Test determines whether individuals or families are capable of repaying some or all of their debt.
Read MoreYou may be entitled to $500-$1500 per FDCPA Violation call. Get in touch today if you have questions.
Read MoreIf your financial health is on the ropes even despite your best efforts, you might be on the road to bankruptcy. This does not mean disaster. Far from it. We'll have you turned around and on the road to recovery in no time. Speaking to an attorney can be the first step towards solving the problem. Whatever you do, do not ignore the problem. Call me at (314) 802-8328 with any questions.
Read MoreHappy Fourth Everyone!!!
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